Ինստագրամ և իրականություն. հերթական զվարճալի ֆոտոշարքը, որը բացահայտում է ճշմարտությունը (լուսանկարներ)
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Ինստագրամ և իրականություն. հերթական զվարճալի ֆոտոշարքը, որը բացահայտում է ճշմարտությունը

Դիտելով ինչ-որ մեկի սոցիալական ցանցի էջը՝ երբևէ մտածել եք՝ «Կցանկանայի, որ իմ կյանքն էլ այսպիսին լիներ»: Հավանաբար, նրանք նույնպես կցանկանային, որ այդպիսին լիներ:

26-ամյա Քիմ Բրիթը Ինստագրամի իր էջում հրապարակում է ճշմարտությունը բացահայտող լուսանկարներ, ինչից պարզ է դառնում, որ այն կյանքը, որը ներկայացնում են ինֆլյուենսերները սոցիալական ցանցի իրենց էջերում, մեղմ ասած, հեռու է իրականությունից:

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[No edit on both pictures on the body] ?REMINDER We get so brainwashed by pictures which are well-posed, that we forget sometimes that most people don't look like that 24/7. Long time I thought that girls who looked like the left photo, have always a flat tummy and a thight gap. Let me tell you, it's not like that, and there is no need to focus so much on it anyway. The difference between the two pictures is not that huge, but yet you would think I'm skinnier on the left than on the right photo, eventhough there are just seconds apart. Both show me, both are reality, both show the truth and both are worthy and so are you no matter which size you are. This is probably the first year where I can truely say it's not my new year's resolution anymore to lose weight to feel more confident. I learned that no matter in which shape I am, if I don't have a healthy mindset and if I don't love myself, I will never feel comfortable in my skin, no matter how thin or lean I am. Feel free to tag a friend who needs this reminder or just save it for yourself? Anzeige wegen Verlinkung

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[No edit on the body on both pictures!] . There was a time where I lost a lot of weight. My goal was to be skinny. I wanted to have a flat tummy even when I sat. I didn't get that it's normal to have rolls then. I thought my tummy should be flat all the time. I was so focused on it, I started to just eat food, that didn't bloat my tummy. . I put so much time on thinking how I look and what I'm not allowed to eat, that I stoped living my life. All it was about was food. Thinking back makes me sad. It was such a waste of time. I will never have a flat tummy all the time and by now, I'm totally fine with it, because I know, I don't need one to be happy. This does not define me or my happiness. . Life is so much more than that and I'm worthy no matter how my body looks like, so are you! You see just one photo of somebody here, you don't know the story behind or how the person looks relaxed. You should love yourself no matter if you have one or ten rolls if you're relaxed. That simple doesn't matter. Life is here to enjoy! So stop compare yourself and focus on what makes you truely happy! You deserve to have the happiest life and it up to you to live it!? . . . Feel free to tag a person who needs this reminder or just save it for yourself? . . . Anzeige wegen Verlinkung

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People can pretend to be everything on social media, even if it's not true. . 》I could tell you that I do yoga three times a week. . 》I could tell you that I eat mostly super healthy. . 》I could tell you that I'm always feel comfortable in my skin. . 》I could tell you that I love myself truely. . I could tell you almost everything and you wouldn't know what is the truth and what's not. That's the thing. . We read or see posts online and automatically think they're true, this can even lead us to feel bad, because we think we're the only ones who fail sometimes or have struggles. . 》I can tell you that, I would love to do more sports, but I have a hard time to motivate myself. . 》I can tell you that I try my best to eat fresh and mostly food that gives my body the nutrients who it needs, but I mostly eat sweets or chips as a dessert. . 》I can tell you that I do accept my body and I don't have the hate like I used to have, but sure there are still days, where I don't feel that good in my body too. . 》I can tell you that I work on myself to love myself, but it's harder than it sounds. Selflove is a long process and I just started. You can't just say from know on I love myself. That's not how it works. . Everybody has the sides they don't like to share. We like to share our success and our happy moments, but life doesn't is just that. We fall and we stand up, we fail and learn from it and we try again. That's process and something good, so don't feel bad about it, because you don't see also the not so bright side from someone elses life. You do just fine. Trust me, nobody has their sh** together all the time, not even that yoga girl, or that mindset coach you're maybe following. We all live and we all are perfectly imperfect. . . Feel free to share this or just save it for yourself as a reminder? . . Feel huged? . . . Anzeige wegen Verlinkung

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BEING SICK ON INSTAGRAM ??‍♀️VS. BEING SICK IN REALITY?‍♀️ . Somehow a lot of people here are always pretty, even if they're sick? I look like a huge mess when I'm sick plus I would never had the energry to take photos for Instagram then? Douple tap if you feel the same? . In yesterdays story I talked about not getting to work if you're not feel well. I got a lot of DM's about it, so I thought I could repost this picture (from last year) and remind you: . 》It's your health and not the one of the company you're working for. . 》If you're scared of losing your job because of it, ask yourself if you really want to work for a company who value money more than your health? (Not talking about people who don't have a lot job opportunities because of the country they live in) . 》Your health should be your no. 1 priority. You can't buy it back once it's gone. . 》You should give a damm if co-workers gossip about you because they think you are not sick enough. If you're sick, you're sick point. Not their business. . 》Take care of yourself! You matter and your health is important. . . If you're sick right now. I'll send you lots of love and energy and I hope you get well super soon? . Feel free ro tag a friend who is sick right now and needs this reminder? . . . . Anzeige wegen Verlinkung

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Autumn Fair Basel? It's my favorite event at this time of the year in Switzerland. You have roller scooters, different stalls and so many food corners?. My absolute must is a cup of mulled wine!? The only thing is, it's almost impossible to drink such a hot drink in the middle of the event, because it has so many people and the chance that you'll have your drink on your jacket instead of having it in your mouth is very high. That's why you better search for a spot which is not that crowed. That doesn't look that fancy, but you can enjoy your dink or food save.? Do you like fairs and do you also have a must drink or food like me?? #thetruthisnotpretty Anzeige wegen Verlinkung

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